
Fountain Care

Proper Fountain Care

Fountain care is a necessary part of owning a fountain. While humans love to watch the water flows, many other organisms love to live in water. Fountain cleaning sometimes employs fountain products and sometimes involves simple elbow grease. Either way, purchasing the right products is a necessary part of fountain care.

Fountain Cleaning Products

One the problems related to keeping a fountain clean stem from algae in the water. Algae is popularly termed "pond scum" and it deserves that moniker. Fountain algae can discolor surfaces, become odorous and clog pumps. Getting rid of it is not particularly difficult. In some cases, one may have to engage in some scrubbing if their algae problem is particularly pronounced.

Making Algae Go Away

The various fountain products available offer many different solutions to algae. Most of them kill off existing algae and inhibit the growth of new plants. These chemicals aren't necessarily harsh and most individuals will be perfectly comfortable using these fountain chemicals. Many of them offer protection for a long time after they're used. Please read the product labels for more specific information. 

Other Nuisances

Mosquitoes love still water in which to breed. While fountains have a lot of movement, even the small pockets of still water are enough for these pests. Some of the most popular fountain care products are those which eliminate insect larvae. Fountain chemicals which accomplish this task are oftentimes all-natural. Certain bacteria are lethal to insect larvae without affecting any other life. These products get rid of the larvae without impacting the environment.

Fountain White Scale

Fountain white scale may build up from time to time. Oftentimes, owners simply scrub this away with the assistance of various fountain chemicals. This nuisance is not as noisome as algae and larvae but it can still be irritating and can detract from the overall look. If the water used in the fountain is particularly hard or soft water deposits may occur as well, these usually can be cleaned with small amount of non abrasive detergent and water, and then rinse well.